Glenn and Ali have the following items for sale. Please circulate this list to anyone who you think might be interested.
200 GLADIOLUS BULBS: commercial mix from LM Bolle = 22 cents each
contact Cheryl if you're interested in purchasing 613-268-2881/[email protected]
POULTRY: contact Phyllis James to arrange 613-267-6495
Breeding Flocks
Barred Rock - 4 hens, 1 rooster = $90
Light Sussex - 1 pair = $30
Black Australorp - trio = $45
15 ready to lay hens $20 each
• Barred Rock
• Columbia Cross
• New Hampshire Red
• Rhode Island Red
• Red Shavers
Ali also mentioned that she has some year old layers - I didn't write down what kinds they are, but I think she said she'd like $10 each for them
Breeding Flock - Narragansett
1 tom, 4 hens $50 each
SHEEP - For the time being, if you're interested please contact Cheryl 613-268-2881/[email protected]. Phil Jones has suggested $150 each for the ewes and $50 each for the lambs
• 5 Rideau Arcott ewes, proven breeders (twins and triplets)
• 14 lambs, born in March and April