At a regional gathering of over 80 local food stakeholders last November, participants made it clear that the lack of a centralized local food aggregation, storage and distribution facility was a critical limiting factor in the scaling up of local food production and marketing. A steering committee comprised of local farmers, commercial and institutional purchasers of local food, area politicians and representatives of the health, agriculture and business sectors was formed to assess the feasibility of such an initiative in the Lanark and North Leeds area and possibly beyond.
Participation in these surveys is key to making this assessment. Please complete the one most appropriate to you. The Buyer Survey is directed to current or potential purchasers of local food, including restaurants, bakeries, caterers, contract food service companies, B&B's etc. The Producer Survey is for farmers or food producers who are currently or interested in growing food for local markets. If you represent an institution or food retailer, we have a different set of questions for you to complete. Please contact us to set up an interview time.
The survey should take between 5 -10 minutes to complete. The information collected will be kept confidential and will only be presented publicly in an aggregate form. If you have any questions about this project or survey, please contact Cheryl Nash, ecoPerth/Lanark Local Flavour 613-268-2907, or [email protected]
Thank you very much for your assistance.