Miller's Bay Farm roadside stand is a well-established landmark on the Rideau Ferry Road between Lombardy and Rideau Ferry. A fourth-generation family business, we are known and appreciated for the quality and freshness of our large variety of produce, as well as our excellent customer service. Our season generally opens with crimson juicy sweet strawberries - either 'you pick' or pre-picked, and wraps up in November with handsome orange pumpkins.
Miller's Bay Farm is affiliated with the Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association and the Ontario Strawberry Growers Association.
Hours of operation: May through November, 9 am to dark, Monday to Saturday.
Generally available: beans, beets, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cucumbers, gourds, herbs, Indian corn, lettuce, leeks, onions, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkins, rhubarb, squash varieties, strawberries, sweet corn, watermelon, wild leeks, zucchini.