Contact person:
Angela Peladeau
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Year Round Full Diet CSA
Organic, Fresh and Local
Are you looking for tasty local organic produce, beef, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, bread and maple syrup? We offer you all of this in our weekly farm share basket program. We know that you need to eat year round, and so we have designed a program that meets those needs. Sign up now to become a CSA partner, and get our weekly basket of local goodness all year round! We are full for the 2013 CSA season! However now is the time to sign up for the 2014 season.
Our farm is recognized as being the only year Round Full Diet CSA in Ontario.
Heritage Harvest Farm is located on 36 acres near Merrickville, Ontario. Our goal is to create a CSA model farm that provides a full and interesting diet. We have designed our farm around our desire to pasture raise animals the way nature intended. All of our animals are pasture raised and all are raised in a loving stress free environment. We are an Organic farm and are able to provide our own compost and all of our own hay. Any grains needed are purchased from Homestead Organics. On our farm we supply all of our own dairy, pork, beef, chicken, eggs, fruit, vegtables and maple syrup.
Vegetarian/vegan options available
Delivery Areas: We are opening a drop off location in Perth for the 2014 season. We do require a minimun number of people to make this happen. Please let us know if you are interested.
This little clip will give you a great visual as to what you can expect a basket to look like:
Heritage Harvest Farms is offering a Year Round Full Diet CSA to local families. This will give our customers the opportunity to be able to enjoy the same Organic fresh food we do year round.
Fresh Produce, Preserves, Organic Pasture Pork, Organic Free Range Chickens, Organic Pastured Turkey, Organic Brown Eggs, Organic Grass Fed Beef, Fresh Baked Artisan Bread
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