Stony Brae Farm

Stony Brae Farm's picture


Are you: 
a local farm
Contact person: 
Diane Falvey and Greg Farrow
Phone number: 
613 264-8015
Email address:
111 Rutherford Side Road, North of the # 7 highway at 5th Concession Bathurst
Closest community: 
(10 km West of ) Perth Ontario

Farm Fresh Vegetables, Preserves, Homebaking Offering in season, nutritious, delicious fruits and vegetables.

  • Buy direct at our farm gate, or at the Perth Farmers' Market on Saturdays from Mother's Day weekend to Thanksgiving. 
  • Fruit jams, jellies and home baking as well as relishes, pickles and preserves are produced from vegetables and fruit from our own farm or sourced locally.
  • Conveniently located just off the Number 7 highway. 
  • Non-certified Organic
  • Members of Canadian Organic Growers, Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, Maberly Agricultural Society, National Farmers Union Perth and District Agricultural Society and Seeds of Diversity  


Non-certified organically grown produce and hay.
Shiitake Mushrooms
Fresh vegetables in season
Home made fruit jams, jellies, relishes, chutneys, pickles and preserves and home baking.


Member for
8 years 32 weeks