To view a MAP of the Farmgate Sales locations, click here
Farmgate sales
RS = interested inrestaurant and commercial sales
CSA = Community Shared Agriculture (pre-purchased weekly, seasonal vegetable program)
1.AGAPE GARDENS 170 Drummond Conc. 2A, DNE 613-552-2782 Gluten free crackers, kale chips, water kefir, seasonal produce, permaculture gardens Perth FM, RS
2.ALPENBLICK FARM 8138 Golf Club Way, Ashton 613-263-2640 Non-certified organic beef, goat, lamb & chicken, cheese, eggs & cow shares. Farm store. Check website for hours:
3.AMARANTH FARM 2116 Old Brooke Rd. Maberly 613-268-2102 Eggs, Saanen goats & kids available
4.ASHTON STATION GARLIC 1967 Ashton Station Rd. 613-257-4688 Non-certified organic, heirloom vegetables - from asparagus to zucchini. 15 + varieties of garlic.
5.BAKER’S FARM 109 Rosedale Rd. Smiths Falls 613-283-5033 Strawberries, raspberries, sweet corn, pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots, beets potatoes, homemade jams & jellies
6.BATTLE RIVER BISON 15593 Hwy 7, east of Perth 613-326-0573 Bison meat freezer sales. Foodsmiths RS
7.BEAVER POND ESTATES 3656 Bolingbroke Rd. Maberly 613-273-5683. Garlic for seed or table. Garlic growing information
8.BECKWITH BERRIES 9960 Cavanagh Sideroad. Carleton Place 613-253-4171 PYO & pre-picked strawberries
9.BECKWITH GARDENS 85 Beckwith St. E. Perth 613-326-0465 Non-certified organic vegetables Perth FM
10.BLUE CHICORY GARDEN & WORKSHOP 694 Iron Mine Rd. Lanark Highlands 613-278-1226 Honey & vegetables. Perth FM
11.BLUEGRASS FARM 714 Kinch St. Jasper 613-275-2639 Non-certified organic vegetables, winter greens, fall/winter CSA, RS
12.BLUE HEN FARM 474 Bowland Rd. Clayton 613-434-2970 Humanely raised, free range, natural pastured eggs, pork, turkey, chicken
13.COUNTING SHEEP FAMILY FARM & AVIARY 1566 County Rd. 10 Perth 613-207-7467 Naturally fed beef, lamb, goat, pork, turkey, chicken, pheasant, guinea fowl, quail, duck. Eggs & goat products. CQF poultry supplies. Open by chance or appt.
14.COUTTS COUNTRY FLAVOURS FARM & STORE Rideau Ferry & Port Elmsley Rds. 613-267-0277 Local produce, meats incl. non-certified organic grass fed beef, frozen prepared foods, maple syrup, baked goods & preserves. Wed – Sun 10am-6pm.
15.DANCING DOG FARM 790 5th Conc. Bathurst 613-264-5405 Pasture raised, non-certified organic lamb, geese, chicken, eggs available at farm
16.DIAMOND BROOK FARM Prestonvale 613-259-5596 Apples, sweet corn & popcorn
17.DUNBRAE FARMS 4900 Appleton Side Rd. Almonte 613-256-2933 Certified organic, heritage grass fed Red Poll beef.
18.ELM TREE FARM 1090 Hayes Rd. Arden 613-335-3361 Biodynamically certified garden. Sharbot Lake FM, RS, CSA
19.ELPHIN GOLD ORGANICS –7316 McDonalds Corners Rd. Elphin 613-278-2868. Non-certified organic vegetables, poultry, beef, pork, eggs, maple syrup, hay. Sharbot Lake, Perth & McDonalds Crs. FM
20.FERME OUELLETTE FARM 4248 Wolf Grove Rd. 613-259-2188 Chemical-free, all natural pasture-raised beef, sold by cut.
21.FFYNIANT FFARM 419 Althorpe Rd. TVT 613-264-9995 Non-certified organic pasture lamb & eggs. Freezer cuts, specialty lamb burgers & sausages, raw wool
22.FUNNY DUCK FARMS R.R. #3 Jasper 613-275-1917 Certified organic, soybean-free pastured meats & eggs. Year-round Whole Farm CSA
23.GRACO FARM 3739 Drummond 2nd Conc. 613-464-2803 Eggs, meat chickens, Black Angus beef RS
24.GREENWOOD ORGANICS 894 Brooke Valley Rd. 613-264-2036 Certified organic garlic & seasonal vegetables. Organic pastured eggs available at farm gate. Saanen dairy goats available for sale.
25.HERITAGE HARVEST FARM 76 Crystal Rd. Jasper 613-702-4128 Non-certified organic poultry, pork, beef, eggs seasonal produce, preserves, bread. Year-round Full Diet CSA
26.HOLLYHOCK GRANGE 577 Kitley Line 1, Smiths Falls 613-284-0578 Non-certified organic vegetables, bedding plants, lamb & eggs Perth FM
27.HUDSON’S SWEET CORN & VEGETABLE STANDS 614-839-2346 mid July to mid Sept. Pakenham Bridge (11-6) Almonte Fitness Centre 500 Ottawa St. (10-6)
28.JACKALOPE FARM, 2708 Conc. 2 Drummond, 613-264-8838 Seasonal vegetables, plants and free range eggs. Open Friday and Saturday. Please call ahead.
29.JAMES HAVEN FARM 5th Conc. Bathurst 613-267-6495 Pre-ordered chicken & turkey, eggs, jam & baked goods incl. gluten free Perth FM
30.JASPER APPLE FARM 1629 County Rd. 16 613-283-8699 Apples & apple products, vegetables, herbs & cut flowers. Spring apple growing workshops
31.JOYNT FAMILY FARM 66 Rideau Ferry Rd. Lombardy 613-283-8698 Certified organic beef & lamb
32.KRICKLEWOOD FARM, 421 Kitley Line 8, Frankville 613-275-9901 Cold pressed sunflower oil, goats milk soap, eggs, raw honey, beeswax candles
33.LACELLE’S APIARY 126 Spruce Rd. Carleton Pace 613-253-0566 Unpasteurized liquid, raw, chunk, cream & comb honey, beeswax candles, bee keeping equipment Carp FM
34.MCGAHEY FARM Hwy. 7, east of Perth 613-264-9037 turkey, beef, pork, non-certified organic vegetables, garlic, eggs
35.MCGRATH’S BERRY FARM 761 Roses Bridge Rd. Jasper 613-284-0764 PYO & pre-picked strawberries & raspberries
36.MCINTYRE CREEK FARM 934 Bathurst 6th Conc. TVT 613-264-4325 Non-certified organic vegetables, eggs. Perth FM
37.MCKENZIE FARM, Drummond Conc. 8A Balderson 613-264-5071 Non-certified organic eggs, pastured poultry, beef orders for Fall ’15, farmgate by appt.
38.MILKHOUSE FARM & DAIRY 1112 Matheson Dr. Montague 613-285-9250 Farmstead sheep’s cheeses, pasture-raised lamb, all natural wool products. Farmgate by appt.
40.MISSISSIPPI BERRIES Hwy 511, north of Balderson 613-259-9911 PYO & pre-picked strawberries.
41.MONTAGUE HOUSE FARM 1112 Matheson Dr. 613-283-5270 Non-certified grass fed beef, ground or by the quarter. Farm museum. Foodsmiths, farmgate by chance or appt.
42.PALMER BERRY FARM 5020 Salem Rd. Westport 613-273-3376 Asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, corn & squash. Open daily 8 – 6, closed on Sundays.
43.PARKS FAMILY FARM 4724 Bolingbroke Rd. Maberly 613-268-2526 Non-certified organic corn, squash, pumpkins & other seasonal vegetables, garlic braids, honey, eggs & maple syrup. Boer goats for sale.
44.QUINTA VERA 898 Hwy 511 at Armstrong’s Corners 613-264-0327 lamb, seasonal produce & garlic
45.RAVENSFIELD 1688 Old Brooke Rd. 613-268-2248 Wide range of biodynamically certified organic vegetables, CSA, pigs, goats, eggs
46.ROCK-N-HORSE FARM 1267 Rae Rd. Almonte 613-256-6117 Non-certified organic vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, maple syrup, chicken, turkey, beef, pork, lamb & eggs, year round CSA & farmgate
47.ROLLING BROOK ORGANICS Hanna Rd. Maberly 613-812-3847 Non-certified organic eggs, chicken, vegetables, Saanen goats, catering, Red Seal certified chef. Farmgate by appt.
48.SAFFIRE FARM Bennies Corners Rd. Almonte 613-256-3383 Wide range of veg incl. greens, beets, carrots, potatoes, melons, tomatoes, leeks & squash, eggs, meat chickens & grass fed beef. CSA RS
49.SEANIC FARMS 437 Poonamalie Side Rd. Smiths Falls 613-283-3739 Non-certified organic grass fed Highland beef, by the side/quarter, individual cuts, patties, all beef sausage, fresh seasonal vegetables
50.STONY BRAE FARM 111 Rutherford Sideroad TVT 613-264-8015 Non-certified organic vegetables, shiitake mushrooms in Spring & Fall, hay – round or square bales Perth FM, RS CSA
51.SWEET MEADOW FARM 1807 Hwy 511, Balderson 613-259-5757 Wide range of certified organic vegetables, from salad greens, carrots, spinach to sweetcorn. On-farm self serve roadside stand, Foodsmiths & locations in Ottawa & Westport
52.SYLVIA’S PLANT PLACE 2172 Upper 4th Conc., Bathurst Twp. 613-267-7365 Plants & cut flowers, floral design, wholesale & retail. Perth FM, CSA, RS
53.TEAMWORK CSA/MAPLELANE FARM 325 Conc. 6A Lanark 613-259-2177 Non-certified organic vegetables, pork, eggs, honey Almonte FM, CSA
54.TIRAISLIN FOLD Clarendon Rd. & Kingston Line 613-268-9999 Pasture raised Tibetan yak, highland beef & lamb
55.WARATAH DOWNS 3444 Scotch Line (County Rd 10), Perth 613-267-7050 Abundant variety of certified organic nutritious vegetables. Perth FM, 18 week CSA
56.WELSH HILL FARM 336 Ferguson-Tetlock Rd., DNE 613-283-2322 Grass-fed beef, non-certified organic pastured chicken & eggs, meat CSA
57.WILD PARROT DELECTABLES near Clayton 613-256-8080 Non-certified organic salad greens – fall, early winter & spring. Edamame, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, beans, cukes & more – in season at Peches & Poivre, 89 Mill St. Almonte
58.WINDBLEST FARM 1821 Ferguson’s Falls Rd. 613-259-5484 Pasture raised lamb, wool products & naturally grown vegetables, available at farm gate and McDonalds Corners FM
Lanark County Farmers’ Markets
Almonte Public Library parking lot (beside the Beer Store)
Saturdays, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
May 16th to Thanksgiving
Market Square, corner of Beckwith and Lake Ave.
Saturdays, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
May 9th to Thanksgiving
MERA Schoolhouse McDonalds Corners
Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm
May 16th to Thanksgiving
contact: Lynne Parks 613-278-2739
Tay Basin, between Drummond and Gore Streets
Saturdays 8 am to 1 pm
May 9th to Thanksgiving